Your lover's feelings for you

Your lover's feelings for you
I can read your lover's feelings 4u + Future

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Does Your Lover Act Like Popcorn?

Does your lover have a  popcorn personality? Popcorn lovers are inconsistant, and they have a habit of popping in and out of your life. You just never know when you are going to see them. If they do stick around, they know how to butter you up. Here is two affirmations to shake and bake your lover into sticking around. CHOOSE ONE and repeat it 1/2 to 1 hour a day over and over again out loud until you see results.

Divine love is working through me now in creating a deeper more meaningful and long lasting love connection between ___ and me.

Divine love is working through me now in creating a deeper more mutual connected feeling between ___ and me.

Important Note - If it is against your lover's will to stay connected, then this affirmation will not work.

If you're not sure if his or her will regarding staying connected to you, please consider purchasing a reading from me at or

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