Your lover's feelings for you

Your lover's feelings for you
I can read your lover's feelings 4u + Future

Monday, July 7, 2014

What A Wonderful Healing I Had Today

I had the most awesome in person healing session this afternoon with a beautiful healer named Jessica Hope. She used the singing bowls and her own healing energy. Out of it came an affirmation "I am worthy loving and beautiful inside and out". Now I feel peaceful. Thank you God. She helped me to remember who I am and just how far I have become from the child who grew up with feelings of rejection. I faced a little bit of rejection when feelings weren't reciprocated this weekend; however, now I remember that I am who God wants me to be-worthy, loving and beautiful inside and out. 

Thank you God! Amen!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

How Rude

I met the most rudest couple at Caliente today. I had a table to myself in the Grotto Bar; however, if I am sitting alone, I always welcome people to share the table with me.. I was in the pool, and it began to rain,so I went back into the Grotto Bar. Everyone was crowding into the Grotto Bar, as they usually do when it rains. There was a couple sitting at my table fully dressed. My towel and my bag were right there, so they knew someone was sitting there. The fact that they sat at the table was not the problem. Both of them were smoking. I told them that they were most welcome at my table, but could they please out out their cigarettes, because smoking makes me cough. The man told me it was a free country and that there was no sign saying no smoking. I then ordered some food to go. When I received my food, I let them know how rude they were and that they were never going to know the me that was open and loving and hospitable. I told them to enjoy themselves and then I left. I then told a friend of mine who jumped to my defense and went to talk to them. I didn't stick around to find out what happened.


Friday, July 4, 2014

My Lost Sexy Fling From Years Ago

I have to share with you all a mind blowing experience I had last night. I am currently in my 60's, but between my 20's and my 40's, I primarily dated men 20-30 years older than me. Even though I had a father who adopted me, I never accepted him. I shut him out. So hence, I searched for a father replacement. In my mid 40's, I drove with a group of friends from Southern California to Sacramento for a singles weekend in another nudist resort. I immediately met a gentleman in his 60's. We had a very intense passionate weekend together, but in the end he wasn't willing to be in a long distance relationship; so it ended. He felt he was too old to do all that driving back and forth like that. He also had an intense fear of flying, elevators and being on boats and ships.

A few nights ago, a friend of mine who used to run one of the singles groups here at the club received a phone call from a gentleman asking to come to the singles dinner last night. He said that he knew me from the nudist resort in Sacramento and that he had heard that I lived there. She confirmed it. He is now living 1 1/2 hours away. When she called me and told me, I was literally shocked to say the least. I computed it and realized he had to be in his 80's, an age not acceptable for me to be in a relationship with. I am no longer looking for a father replacement.   I was, however, happy to see him;, and we spent some time talking. He was very obviously too old for me. I go for men close to my age now. He let me know he was no longer able to be sexual, and I let him know in a very gentle way that he would always remain in my heart, but that  I was too young to give up sex.  He, thank God, understood.  His ex (who was my age) left him, because he got too old for her. Then he married another woman (another psychic and reiki master. They are also  divorced now. He is a lovely sweet man, but no longer for me. The good news is that he got over his intense fear of elevators.

 I have to say to all of you women who are young and like dating much older men, think twice; because they will get old before you do; and then it will come up to bite you in the face.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

4th Of July Affirmation

I just thought you would like to manifest a fun 4th of July weekend.  Here are 4th of July is a great  affirmation to guarantee you having a great fun weekend. Add any adjectives to the mix that you wish for - i.e. romantic, sexy, prosperous, warm, positive, exciting, etc. Start from today and repeat your affirmation out loud over and over again 1/2 - 1 hour a day over and over again.

Divine love is working through me now in creating the perfect fun exciting 4th of July weekend for me.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Attract Men For Great Sex Affirmations

  These affirmations are specifically for single woman looking for great sex partners? If you have attracted boring lovers or if your sex life is non existant, then here  are a list of affirmations to attract great sex partners (men or women). To attract a man into your life for great sex, you must believe in your ability to attract great sex partners, and YOU must believe that YOU are a great sex partner.  In order for them to work, it is strongly advised that repeat ONE of the affirmations of your choice listed below  1/2 - 1 hour a day over and over again out loud everyday until you see results. 

 Men want me and desire me for I am irrisistible and worth pursuing

Men want to have sex with me.  

I am a magnet for great sex partners.

My beautiful sexy body draws sexually available men to me in droves.

My lustful body draws men to me in droves.

I am eye candy .

I am sex candy.

I am a beautiful sexy soul who attracts beauty sexy souls to me of the opposite sex.

I am sexy, and I know it.

I am a great lover, and I know it.

I know how to spoil men sexually, and I know it.

I am an amazing lover.

I am an irriristible orgasmic beauty.

 I attract the most fantastic lovers into my life.

I am burning with sexual desire and men know it.

My sex life is constant and out of this world.

Divine love is working through me now in creating the best lover (or lovers) for me.