Your lover's feelings for you

Your lover's feelings for you
I can read your lover's feelings 4u + Future

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Love Magnet Affirmations

You can just call me the Affirmation Queen, because there is not a day that goes by that I don't repeat affirmations. Through affirmations, I know that things don't have to stay stuck and appear hopeless. Affirmations keep me in a positive frame of mind, so I can draw into my life whatever I desire to have. Affirmations can give you hope for the future in any area of your life, and they can create an aura of excitement in your life. i am grateful to have discovered the wonderful world of affirmations. 

I posted this video on youtube a couple of months ago, and I just had to share it with you all. I love  this beautiful video, because it helps single men and women connect to their heart center and find love. Love cannot flow through a heart that has been wounded by rejection, grief, abandonment, etc.A heart that is closed keeps love away.  A heart that is open draws love to it on a daily basis.

Choose an affirmation of your choice in this video, and then repeat it consistantly EVERYDAY 1/2 to 1 hour a day over and over again out loud. You can split up your chosen affirmation throughout the day. Make it part of your morning ritual while you are bathing, washing your hair, shaving, doing your makeup, etc. etc. 


Monday, August 25, 2014

How To Know When Someone Is Thinking Of You

How To Know When Someone Is Thinking Of You

Our souls live inside our physical body, and our souls travel from lifetime to lifetime and body to body. Our souls leave behind broken hearts and beautiful relationships from past lives that result in positive or negative karma.  These soul connections are very powerful and very difficult to resist, because our souls have loved eachother before. We all have more then one soul mate connection in our lifetime. In fact we have many soul mates in our lifetime and many times in our lifetime we cross paths with lost souls from previous lifetimes.  Our souls fall in love  with the familiarity of eachother, and our souls can't stop thinking of eachother.  Our souls bring into this lifetime the issues and karma from past lives, and then there are wonderful times when our souls create a lifetime connection full of joy and contentment. Our souls communicate, and I call this the softness between two souls and perhaps past lovers. Our souls could have been friends, siblings and enemies in past lives here to straighten out the karma. Sometimes it is not easy, and other times it is very easy.

When you think about someone in a normal way, there is nothing unusual there. Then all of a sudden you feel overwhelmed like you are in a fog and you can't stop thinking about them. Now, stop for a second and focus on where you are feeling the energy. It is usually in the heart and chest area. You've had that funny feeling before. Remember. You just thought it was YOU. What is going on is that you are feeling THEIR THOUGHTS. WHAT YOU ARE FEELING IS WHAT THEY ARE THINKING AND FEELING ABOUT YOU RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT!

During the moment you are experiencing this psychic soul connection, you may feel feelings from extreme sadness, or guilt to feelings of peace or missing someone. Keep in mind you only started feeling these thoughts when you connected to their energy. So know that you if you are feeling great sadness, it will pass. If you are feeling a great feeling of peace and joy, you know they are thinking wonderful thoughts of you.

As your love psychic, I can help YOU to uncover the truth about his/her feelings for you. After you have purchased your reading,  I will channel his/her thoughts as if he/she is actually speaking to you. Click here to purchase a feelings reading by email.
If you are interested in my Psychic Love Coaching Programs for singles, click here.

Trading a Lost Love For a New Love


Our hearts are very fragile, and it can be difficult to get over and release a lost love, especially a first love,  whether we have been with him or her for a long time or even for a short time, . This is especially difficult if this person has broken up with us or even worse passed away. Even short term love connections can be difficult to release. Our fragile hearts go through a grieving process, and there is no specific time for a heart to heal from a lost love.The grieving process can makes us feel as if our lives are over and that there will never again be another love greater then our hearts can take. There is no specific time for the grieving process to be completed.  Many people (like me) go into our heads, and then we turn off our hearts. 

First loves come primarily when we are young and innocent and our hearts are pure, vulnerable and open with no tell tale signs of being emotionally scarred. We have no idea how to even protect our heart, nor do we want to. We are excited about the process of falling in love. My story is no different from anyone else's. I met my first love when I was 21, and I never said to him OUT LOUD "I love you". This is because I learned as a child to stuff my feelings inside me. I gave him a card that said "My heart is yours". His very words were "We have to be strong", and then shockingly he ended it a few days later. I was numb for a very long time. Due to the fact that I didn't say those words out loud, I went into my head and could not feel until many years later (25 years later to be exact).  

Here is how I was able to feel love again for the second time.  I found the book by Marianne Williamson "Illuminata",  a book on prayers for every situation including creating new love. Here are a couple of prayer that I repeated for approximately a month.  I repeated this prayers couple times daily for at least 10 or 15 minutes at a time until I unexpectedly fell in love again. The timing is different for everyone.It literally felt like air was flowing through my heart whenever I said "I love you" to him. The relationship didn't work out, but now I knew how it  felt to actually feel love and how it felt for my heart to be open. It literally felt like air was flowing through my heart.. Here are two  prayers which are on pages 150 and 164 of her book. Since I am single at the moment,  I have been reminded to repeat these prayers again. I will let you know how it comes, so please subscribe to this particular blog, and also please let my  blog readers know how these prayers work for you.


  Dear God, I feel an empty space within me, a place where I would so love to love. I know that if my beloved came here, I would adore and cherish, honor and serve him. Please give me the opportunity to expand my heart into the life of another in the holiest way, the most beautiful way, the most intimate way, if that serves your purpose. For I would learn the secrets of love and use what I learn to grace the life of another. What a marveleous possibility, Lord, that such a treasure would be placed in my hands. Please do this. I will try my best. Amen.



 Dear God, Please show me how to love. Teach me how to extend my light into the life of another. Remove the barriers to my soul, the walls which stand in front of my heart, my commitment to aloneness. My resistances to joining. I do not seek love, dear God, for I know it is all around me. I seek instead the healing of my resistances to it, the strenghtening of my spirit; that I might learn to love, to love wello, to love fully, to love deeply. When my true love calls dear Lord, please keep my ears open. Let me not shut down. Let me not forsake him. Let me always remember that is call to love him is my call to love you. Thank you very much. Amen.

If you are wanting to know when your next love is coming in, please purchase an email or phone reading at

For singles look to attract and keep love, please click here to find information on my psychic love coaching programs.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

How To Know If You're Psychic

Many of my clients have written to me asking me how I discovered I was psychic and how to know if they are psychic or not. To explain my psychic awareness, I have to start from the beginning. I grew up in a household where I was literally stiffled by an overprotective and very controlling mother (RIP). I didn't even know who I was. I was who my  mother wanted me to be. I was literally a  just a shell of fear and confusion. I isolated myself and barely even communicated with my peers.

The only thing I could connect with was the knowledge of who I was in a past life. Growing up in  Southern California in the area of the L.A. airport, I had dejavu constantly in different parts of the house, and those intense dejavu feelings never went away. As a teenager, I instinctly understood that the woman I was picking up  on was from a past life, and I was living in the negative karma from that particular past life either in that specific house or on the land where the house was built. I also knew that as long as I lived in that house and the area of the house, I would not be happy. I never shared this information with anyone until I got older. 

The day I graduated from high school, our family moved about an hour away to Huntington Beach, California.. I felt a freedom that I had never experienced before. True I was still living with with an overbearing mother, but I felt lighter and more peaceful. It was a new beginning for me. About two months later, I met my ex husband, and  after 10 months of dating, we got married and  moved to Van Nuys (1 1/2 hours away). I was 19 years old. A month before I turned 21, we separated and eventually got divorced. For the first time, I was living on my own and discovering life.

As time went on, I began discovering and connecting to my true identity (the true essense of me) and my soul got stronger, I began feeling the presence of my inner God, and I  knew he was guiding me and directing me. I felt a connection so powerful beyond words, which made me feel safe. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was meant to be. As time went on, I started for the fun of it going to parties and nightclubs  reading men and women as I wondered through the crowd. I knew the presence of inner God was giving me the information that I could see in people. I scared the men, and the women were fascinated. The more I worked with those abilities, the more confident and fascinated I became. I felt strong with the knowledge of my psychic abilities. Going through Lifespring in August of 1980, played a monumental and profound role in unblocking  my third eye. It was then that my inner child began to heal; and as my inner child began the healing journey of becoming the woman I was mean to be, I became more and more clairvoyant.

I knew that eventually the time would come when I would have a psychic business. I kept saying to myself "someday someday". That "someday" came in 1985 when I left the secretarial job I was in for 5 years at First Interstate Bank in downtown L.A. My coworkers and bosses knew about my abilities, and at one point I was asked to stop sharing my insights. They were there whether I asked for them or not.  The psychic insights, at times, overwhelmed me and would put me in a fog. They finally let me go, because I could not or did I want to conform to the standards of a secretary in the corporate world.

What I can tell you is that if you connect with the powerful presence within you, whether it be God, the Angels, etc.,  and ask for the psychic insights, it will flow through that source you are connected to. I allowed it to flow, because I desired my abilities so strongly. God trusted me and gave them to me as a gift. EVERYONE is psychic whether they know it or not.  If your fear is stronger then your psychic abilities, then you will prevent it from opening your third eye. For me, I have always seen images and felt insights, and I always knew when someone was thinking of me. I started doing automatic writing and psychometry (holding an object that belonged to someone).

Here is an exceptionally powerful tool that I have taught my clients to connect with their psychic abilities. Light a white candle, stare at the flame and pray to/talk to your inner God. Ask God (or whoever you pray to) important questions that are currently affecting your love life, career, finances, etc, and he will answer you.  Do this about 15 minutes a day without skipping a day; and you will begin to have the psychic insights you need to power yourself in your life. The answers are already within you.

My purpose in this lifetime is to help men and women with the difficulties they are having in life and give them insight into the future. (especially in matters of the heart).  If you would like a reading to help you get started, please visit my website at

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Sex Dream Last Night

The last couple of nights, I have had some interesting dreams. (see my dream the night before below). Last night was no exception. I was at a group event of some kind. I could tell that I was in a place where food was served. I had a sex toy with me, and I wanted to play with it, but there were too many people around. I tried to hide and play with  it, but the buzzing was too loud. I ended up turning off the sound. Then this one guy figured it out, and we walked away shoulder to shoulder. I could tell we had an attraction to eachother. That was when the dream ended.

I have been repeating the affirmation I DECLARE DIVINE ORDER IN MY LOVE LIFE for the list 6-8 weeks. During the process of repeating the affirmation, I ended a long distance relationship that was blooming, because I could not see us in a long term relationship. I have been meeting a lot of new men lately, including one that inspired a very powerful sex dream the night I spoke to him on the phone for the first time, but dating him for whatever reason did not come to pass.  I do, however, feel that I am getting closer to my goal of  manifesting a long lasting relationship.

The last three days, I have  upped the anti (so to speak), and I am now repeating the affirmation I DECLARE DIVINE ORDER IN MY LOVE, SEX AND ROMANTIC LIFE.  This affirmation suites me much better, because I know I want it all. The LOVE CATCHER hanging up on the fan over my bed must be inspiring these dreams as well.

I do feel that these dreams mean that I am ready for what's ahead. I am excited, because I know HE (whoever it is) is waiting for me in the wings, and that our paths will cross soon. I will keep you all posted.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Dream Last Night

I woke up about 3am this morning and had trouble getting back to sleep. When I finally did get back to sleep, I dreamed about someone I knew from a couple years ago (Tony). We were friends for quite awhile and were never involved; however, when it looked like it was turning into something, he ran away. I haven't spoken to him in at least 2 years and had even forgotten about him. In my dream, he came into my home and wanted to stay. I agreed; however, when I came out of my bedroom after searching for the missing pillows in my bedroom, I realized that he had others with him. I don't know who the other people were, but they had babies with them. They had set up a playpen in my livingroom and had moved my furniture around.  It disturbed me that the pillows from my bed were gone and the bed appeared empty . I was very upset that these people with their babies were sitting on my brand new coach. I screamed for him and all of his people to get out of my house or I would call the police.

Now I could interpret this in many ways; however, earlier in the day while meditating in my favorite fuzzy pink chair, I called in and meditated with the Goddess Mauve. She was a Celtic warrior Goddess who was infamous for her beauty and her sexual prowness. She intoxicated men with her power of passion. I am single and meditated with her to draw in someone for intimacy, long term romance and passion. I either drew him in or someone but that was just the face that my dream chose to use. I was married once, but I was divorced by the time I was 21. After all these many many years, I am still single, because I never wanted to have babies. I chose the safe way out with men who were much much older then me. I strongly desire to be in a relationship, but here at 63, I am still alone.

That's all I have for now with that dream. I'll add more later as I have more insight.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Sudden Death Of Robin Williams

When I heard the news on facebook about Robin Williams committing suicide by hanging himself, I was absolutely dumbfounded and shocked. How desperate could someone be to kill themselves. I believe within the very depths of my soul that if someone commits suicide, they don't resolve their karmic issues in this lifetime and that they will come  back in their next lifetime trying to resolve their same issues. I have never been depressed like that, so maybe I don't understand. I had a friend who committed suicide, because she was thinking in the future to when she got old. She was healthy, happy and in love, but she was also afraid it wouldn't last and that she would be a burden SOMEDAY.  Her death made no sense to me or her friends and family.

 To be honest with you, I NEVER knew about Robin William's depression and his drug problems; however, when I would see him on TV on an interview, I would yearn to "see" the inside of him and to really know him from the inside out not from the outside looking in. I had trouble watching his movies, because deep down in my gut my instincts told me that he was hiding something and that something was very very deep and dark inside of him. It bothered me each time I saw him. Each time, I would say to myself "Let me see YOU Robin Williams". I never shared this with anyone until now.  I couldn't put it into words until yesterday. His hidden secret was depression. I think he must have been bipoler with his crazy comediac manic behavior. He was a genius though, and their will NEVER be another comedian like him. God put him on this earth for a reason-to touch people's hearts minds, bodies and souls.  He was meant to be. If only HE knew that. My heart is very very sad right now for him and his family.

I remember so clearly when he burst onto the scene on the show Happy Days. The camera men were laughing so hard that the cameras were shaking. Then came the spin off, Mork and Mindy. Oh how I loved that show.

Jim Carey is as crazy as he is, but I didn't feel that way about Jim Carey. I just have never liked Jim Carey's comedy.

Robin Williams, I hope you and everyone is laughing in heaven now. You are finally at peace now. xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How To Use Affirmations To Enhance Your Life

Affirmations are very powerful statements that you repeat over and over again in the present tense to shift and change your life and to create the situation you desire.  With affirmations your life does not have to the stay  stuck in neutral.  I think of affirmations as recipes. I pretend I'm cooking and I know that I  have all the incredients within me  to "cook up" whatever I desire in my life-a new soul mate, improvement in a relationship, success, prosperity and more.

It is very very important to spend a lot of time and energy repeating affirmations, since many of our thoughts and beliefs have been instilled in us since childhood. Affirmations can help us to overcome long term conditioning. When our mind gets what we are repeating, we start believing in what we are repeating; and then it just clicks into place for us. Repeating an affirmation once or twice DOES NOT work. I recommend repeating an affirmation out loud over and over again 1/2 to 1 hour a day, if not more, depending on the importance of the situation.

 If you are trying to change an inner belief about yourself, I recommend that you repeat the affirmation of your choice consistently EVERYDAY for 21 days. DO NOT SKIP A DAY. It takes approximately 21 days to change and transform a negative thought about yourself into a positive thought. You'll know that the affirmation is working and your specific inner belief is changing, because your life will begin to click into place. You will see situations in a different light and others will see you in a different light.


If you are repeating an affirmation to release someone from your heart, mind, body and soul, like a lost love, you definitely would want to repeat your releasing affirmation for about 21 days. Again, you will know when you have released this person. It will feel like your shoulders are lighter and a burden has been lifted. When this happens, either your lost love will return or a new love will come in.

EXAMPLE AFFIRMATION-I WISH YOU THE BEST AND I RELEASE YOU ________. (Fill in the blank with his or her name).

You can also repeat an affirmation to rekindle a relationship or to get a commitment from someone; however, if you notice that he or she is backing off, I highly and strongly recommend that you stop the affirmation at once. This means that it is against that person's will, and believe me you can never go against a person's will.


IF you are repeating an affirmation to enhance your already established relationship,  I believe you should keep the affirmation a secret and not share it with him or her.  You always want to leave an element of surprise in your relationship. Be mysterious and enchant the with your inner magical power. They don't have to know, and they will always want to come back for more.



If you have time restraints, repeat your affirmation in the shower, while you are shaving, putting on your makeup, doing your hair, etc. Make it part of your morning ritual. You can also repeat them while driving in your car, washing dishes, vacuming, etc.